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Rocker with Hall effect for joysticks

The rocker with Hall effect is a component for joysticks of different sizes. In case of a customer-specific adaptation, the rocker with Hall effect can be applied as a component on the control handle. Furthermore, in the case of a thumb or mini-joystick, it is able to take over the role of the actual control handle immediately.

The rocker with Hall effect can be used particularly well for axis control. It is used in every field in which joysticks can also be applied – for example, in the industrial workplace, in mechanical engineering, medical technology, remote control, automotive and marine technology as well as in agriculture and construction machinery.

As an ergonomically shaped component, the rocker allows for precise and reliable entries. It can be utilized as a supplementary control element on the control handle as well as in the role of the main control element for the smaller joysticks. The use of contactless Hall effect technology helps to reduce wearouts, makes the installed technology more resistant to environmental influences, and thus contributes to the overall long service life of the components. This, among other things, predestines the rockers for outdoor use.

Due to their simple design and reliable technology, components of this type usually achieve life cycles of at least one million individual activities.