Arnoldstraße 19 • 47906 Kempen, Germany +49 2152 8955-0
OTTO Controls – Expect Excellence
Switches & control elements
OTTO Controls is well known for its wide range of robust and durable articles. Domiciles in Carpentersville, Illinois, USA, the company are recognised throughout the world for qualitative performance and innovative products. The products of the American company have a high in-house manufacturing depth with in-house injection-moulding, stramping, CNC machining, cable assembly and cable overmolding capabilities.
OTTO Controls maintains a high degree of mechanic, electric and electronic development facilities, an extensive testing laboratory and a computer-aided production line. In addition, the company develops and manufactures precision switches and control grips including mechanic switches with a life cycle more than one million years; Hall effect switches with digital and analogue output capabilities, sealed and illuminated, high performance data, rocker switches, toggle switches and rotary switches, civil and military multi-function grips and Hall effect joysticks.

OTTO Controls product portfolio