Arnoldstraße 19 • 47906 Kempen, Germany  +49 2152 8955-0

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GPS stands for ‘Global Positioning System’ and is a satellite-based navigation system. GPS can be used to determine the exact location at almost any place at any time. GPS technology is used in many devices today. Examples of applications include cell phones or smartwatches that use this technology for planning, measurement and monitoring.

But companies also use the technology, e.g. to organize company vehicles. Our portfolio also offers a wide range of antenna solutions in the GPS frequency range.

World Products Antennen GPS WPANT10075 alders

World Products Antennen GPS WPANT10075

  • Style: Surface Mount with Adhesive
  • Frequency: 1560 – 1590 MHz
  • Peak Gain: 2 dBi
  • DIMENSIONS: 38.6mm x 6.1mm x 0.8mm
  • Standard Cable: 1.32mm OD Coax
  • Standard Connector: IPX / Hirose equivalent
  • Different cable and connector requests can be accommodated